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The Bride Made Ready

Beginning in the mid-1990s, this author spent most of her days in prayer, seeking to know God more intimately. She experienced revelation and glorious encounters with Him. The Lord opened her eyes of understanding concerning the ancient feasts of the LORD which annually remind natural Israel of her ancient deliverance from Egypt. But when the Messiah Jesus appeared on earth, these feast days also became the timing of God’s redemptive works for all mankind. She also recognized that it was important for the end-day Church, the Bride of Christ, to follow these feasts but not by the letter of the law as do the Jews, but as spiritual Israel at the leading of the Holy Spirit. This does not mean that the Church has replaced Israel. No, but we are engrafted into Israel spiritually. As the Bride of Christ, this book uncovers more about our marriage with Christ, our becoming one, why we leave the world to cleave to Him, how to enter His rest as our Sabbath, how to be watchful for His coming for us, and much more. There are also multiple prophetic insights within this book that assist the Bride of Christ’s preparation for the Rapture.