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Books by Christian Author and Christian Speaker in Conway, SC

Touch of Heaven Ministries’ goal is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:12), so we may touch hearts and collectively transform communities with love and prayer.

This ministry also provides prophetic instructions and an unveiling of the end-day prophecies, so todays’ Bride of Christ will swim within the end-day flood of glory and ready for the pre-Trib. rapture.



Before and After the End explores end-day prophecies, particularly around Covid-19. The book aims to prepare readers for the end-years and the rapture, revealing the hidden timing.

The Bride Made Ready explores the author's spiritual journey, delving into the significance of ancient feasts for Christians and the Church's Rapture preparation.

Paradise on Earth explores God's initial intent for humanity, the impact of sin, and God's unchanging love. It promises the return of Paradise and God as King Jesus on earth.



Judith Lyon Kesselman's compelling trilogy explores God's divine plan for humanity, end-day prophecies, and the long-awaited return of God to Earth.






Foundational Prayer

God expects His family to communicate, fellowship, even participate with Him in prayer. When our prayers align with His Biblical instruction and Word, He will answer our requests and guide us to peace, prosperity, health, joy, and fulfillment.



Reviving Prayer
Today's Church, in the seventh Church Age, Laodicea, is spiritually dry. If we heed God's guidance, earnest prayer will bring His Holy Spirit outpouring, reviving nations. It's up to us, not politicians, but God's family.



Prophetic Prayer 
Demands surrendering personal thoughts, desires, and concerns to Jesus, letting the Holy Spirit guide. We proclaim God's will, countering Satan's schemes with God's authority, making His word our own.



Priestly Prayer 
In the New Covenant involves diverse forms of praise like zamar, towdah, yadah, halal, shabach, barak, and tehillah. Tehillah is a transformative, prophetic prayer where God rules intimately.








Evangelizing Prayer

Jesus commanded every believer to go, share the Gospel, and make disciples. Not every believer is an evangelist, yet every Christian may be a fisher of men. It is easy. All it takes is prayer, care, and share. God does all the rest. It is easy and effective.



Prophetic Poems from the Heart of God is a collection of poems received through divine inspiration. They range from songs of praise to prophecies, instructions, and messages of love.



Liberating Prayer
Christians often have unsaved loved ones bound by mental strongholds, hindering their path to Christ's Light. Some believers, too, suffer from past trauma-induced strongholds. Discover prayer's power in breaking these chains and granting freedom.



Evangelizing Prayer

Jesus commanded every believer to go, share the Gospel, and make disciples. Not every believer is an evangelist, yet every Christian may be a fisher of men. It is easy. All it takes is prayer, care, and share. God does all the rest. It is easy and effective.



Supernatural Prayer
Our supernatural God desires His children to represent and manifest Him on earth as Jesus did. After salvation, we're empowered by the Holy Spirit, following the early Church's example in Acts 2. Believe, receive, and let the Holy Spirit guide us in applying His power for God's glory.



Ministering Prayer
The anointing of Christ Jesus passed on to the 12, 70, 120, and all believers. Through faith, we enjoy eternal salvation, and by empowerment, we release 'rivers of living water' from our spirit to minister as Jesus did. It's Christ in us, working for His glory!





The Expedition of the End-Day Prophecies is a guidebook likened to Lewis and Clark's expedition, navigating end-day prophecies in the Bible to understand the timing of future events.



 (Study Manual)

Transforming Prayers is a guide to scriptural prayers, faith confessions, and meditations. It emphasizes the power of verbalizing and contemplating these elements for personal growth.







As a Christian youth, I was audibly called to ministry by God at age 8 but veered off the path and graduated as a pharmacist. I worked a couple years and returned to Jesus in the 70s. I served as a children’s pastor in the 80s, leading over 400 children to Christ.
Later, I transitioned into an adult teacher role, where I wrote multiple teaching manuals, life-changing Christian books, books on prayer for conferences, and finally the first book of a trilogy: Paradise on Earth, and became a respected female Christian author and speaker.

My commitment to prayer saw me serving as the head intercessor, praying 5-7 hours a day, five days a week in the sanctuary. During extensive fasts, God’s Spirit moved throughout the services the full weeks. This spiritual discipline inspired one of my Christian inspirational books, "God Said, Build It and I Will Come". During those years, God also sent me to pray in Israel 21 days in 1996. He sent me to Argentina in 1997 to help birth a revival in a city known as the seat of Satan and revival arrived.
From there I learned an easy form of evangelism and shared it with 60 congregations in Baltimore when I returned. Shortly thereafter God had me organize the Beyond ‘99 with four congregations in 1999, and the Book of Life campaign with 200 congregations in 2000 during the first God-season, Passover. Thereafter the Lord told me to leave this ministry, to write the second book of the trilogy, "The Bride Made Ready" from those years I spent intimately with Jesus.

Then as a female Christian speaker, He called me to draw pastors in Harford County where I lived to gather annually on the second God-season, Pentecost, from 2005 and it continues there. In 2011 there was the largest gathering of 700 million believers around the world.

In 2020 God called me to research the end-day prophecies. For two years I studied and wrote a study manual, The Expedition of the End-Day Prophecies. But in 2022 He had me transform it into the third book with more significant details, "Before and After the End".
Now the end-day Church should annually gather at the start of the third God-season for the Bridal rapture while end-day revival spreads throughout the earth. Our rapture will awaken the 144,000 Jews and they will carry on the revival within the Tribulation years.
Now, I live in Conway, South Carolina. Though retired, I remain a motivated Christian woman speaker, ready to prep the Church for the coming rapture. Welcome yourself to download any or all the free books.



Touch of Heaven Ministries
P.O. Box 1345
Conway, SC  29528

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